Full fallout 4 perk chart
Full fallout 4 perk chart

We’re not using any guns so don’t really need this. Get one point with bobblehead to make it 2. Medic: Make stimpacks and radaway more effective.Local Leader: As you’ve taken the workbench perks for armor and melee weapons, you’ll want to be able to access your junk between settlements, so you’ll want the first stage of this perk for setting up supply lines.Even better, if you’re like me and you can’t play without Dogmeat at your side, this perk still gives all benefits when accompanied by Dogmeat, as for the purposes of this perk he doesn’t count as a companion.

full fallout 4 perk chart

This will boost your toughness and carrying capacity even further.

  • Lone Wanderer: You don’t need a companion to help you carry stuff and you’ll be tough enough to handle groups of enemies on your own.
  • Cap collector: With all the loot you’ll be able to carry around, it makes sense to be able to sell it for a decent amount.
  • Get one point with bobblehead to make it 6. We’ll have a large carrying capacity to carry around all the meat we collect so that we can make use of campfires when we find them, so we’ll have plenty of rad-free food.
  • Lead belly: Likewise with above, we enjoy cooking in the wasteland.
  • We went the route of rad resistance instead, which is at odds with this perk. It’s a matter of personal preference really. This would be a viable option in this build but you would need to tweak your other endurance perks. This takes away one of the benefits of Ghoulish of getting extra health from uncooked food (due to the rads giving you extra health).
  • Ghoulish: Reason being that we want to be able to cook food to make use of the potential stat boosts and to fit in with our survivalist vibe.
  • Rad resistant – to get that radiation resistance.
  • Chem resistant – to get the immunity at level 2, so we can take heaps of psycho and buffout to give us an edge in difficult fights.
  • We’re going to be playing on the hardest level so we gotta be tough.
  • Locksmith: Just not as fun to play without being able to pick locks.
  • If it wasn’t for the locksmith perk we wouldn’t be investing in this tree at all. Get one point with bobblehead to make it 4.
  • Rooted – This is a great perk for damage buffs while standing still.
  • Strong Back – For carrying more stuff and moving while encumbered.
  • Blacksmith – for making good melee weapons.
  • full fallout 4 perk chart

    Seeing as how we have to base a melee character around strength, we may as well take advantage of the carry weight buff that provides. We want Bertha to be able to carry as much stuff as possible. For beating up enemies, also for a big carry weight. Get one point with bobblehead and one point with special book to make it 9. That way when you collect the bobblehead for the attribute in question it will bump you up to the level required for that perk trees top level perk for the build. We also want to be able to enjoy all the standard aspects of Fallout like looting, crafting and selling, so we’ve really maximised carry weight.įor all the starting SPECIAL choices below we’ve gone one lower than the level needed for our highest perk. If so this guide is for you.īig Bertha is intended to be played at the highest difficulty setting so this build focusses a lot on endurance and strength to stay alive. Want to play Fallout as a big boned bad ass chick called Bertha? I sure did (I suppose you could be a beefy bloke called Bob as well, whatever floats your boat).

    Full fallout 4 perk chart